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carl sandburg

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T.S. Eliot was an author who was a biographer, historian, and poet in the modernist period. He is well known for his poetry, including "The Waste Land," as well as his essays on literary criticism and his work exploring religion and philosophy.

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Q: What author was a biographer historian and poet in the modernist period?
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What author what biographer historian and poet during the modernist period?

Carl Sandburg

Who was a biographer historian and poet during the modernist period?

Carl Sandburg

Who was a poet author during modernist period?

T.S. Eliot was a notable poet and author during the modernist period. His works, such as "The Waste Land" and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," are considered landmark modernist texts that explore themes of disillusionment and fragmentation in post-World War I society.

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