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Thoreau uses the metaphor of living deliberately, like a musician playing an instrument skillfully, to emphasize the importance of intention and mindfulness in everyday actions. He also compares life to a work of art that requires constant attention and effort to maintain its beauty and integrity, conveying the idea that life should be lived with purpose and care.

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Q: What are two metaphors that Thoreau uses to explain his philosophy of life?
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How does Thoreau use metaphor in this passage?

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This metaphor that Thoreau frequently uses for living an examined unsatisfying life involves?

Sleeping is the metaphor Thoreau frequently uses.

What is your philosophy in teaching How is your moral philosophy related to yourteaching philosophy?

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List objects you might compare life to...I am doing metaphors and similes?

uhm, I have two - well for metaphors. " Life is climbing a tall mountain. " " Life is a big roller coaster. " hope that helps(: