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It depends on what part of the story you are talking about. In the beginning, his most valuable possession would be his family (Juana and Coyotito) but towards the end the pearl becomes basically an obsession and at the end he calls it his "soul"

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5mo ago

In "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, the various items that Kino desires include a rifle, a harpoon, a wedding for him and his wife Juana, and improvements to their home and lifestyle. Ultimately, Kino's main desire is for his son Coyotito to receive an education and have a better future.

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11y ago

in the parable "the pearl" it is his boat that has been passed down from his grandfather to his dad unto him.

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Q: What are the various of items Kino wants in the book by the pearl by John Steinbeck?
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