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The major trends of romantic criticism as word'sworth mentions in his bibliography is the assimilation of wealth in the spiritual as well as the bilingual sphere.As with any major author, the critical legacy is vast and varied. The aim of this sis to identify the major stages in the 120-year span of critical literature as it moved from the impressionistic and speculative toward the more objective and analytic and to highlight the most important contributions associated with each stage. For the first half of the twentieth century, literary critics had to rely on these incomplete collections, whose editors had substantially altered the original poems, regularizing unorthodox diction, meter, punctuation, and capitalization to make them conform to the expectations of their era's readers. From a marketing perspective these alterations made perfect sense--indeed, the earliest volumes sold extremely well and were reprinted several times apiece--but they prevented scholars from studying the poems . It was not until 1955, nearly seventy years after the poet's death, that Thomas H. Johnson produced his three-volume variorum edition of all 1,775 poems, which includes the numerous word and phrase variants that commonly appear on Dickinson's so-called worksheet drafts, the pencil-draft manuscripts of poems after 1864 that Dickinson did not transcribe into "fair copies" (always in ink) and bind into fascicles (sewn manuscript gatherings). Twenty-six years later, R. W. Franklin, who had spent decades examining manuscripts, published The Manuscript, a two-volume holographic reconstruction of the poet's fascicles and unbound "sets," thus returning these poems to their original sequences within original groupings.

Thus the assimilation of knowledge is the basis of romantic criticism as we see it.

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11mo ago

Some major trends in romantic criticism include exploring the role of emotion and passion in literature, analyzing the sublime and nature as themes, examining the impact of social and political contexts on romantic works, and investigating the relationships between poets and their muses.

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