Common culture traits in Keller, TX may include a strong sense of community involvement, with residents participating in local events and supporting small businesses. The city also values education, with a focus on top-rated schools and libraries. Additionally, outdoor recreational activities like hiking and biking are popular among residents.
The driving distance from Alpine, TX, USA to Keller, TX, USA is 478.37mi / 769.86km
42 miles
There is a Keller High School in Keller Tx. This is the address for that school 601 Pate Orr Rd. N Keller Texas. It is in a independent School District.
The only result involving Keller Movers are company's that will assist you in moving to Keller, TX. All My Sons Moving and Storage company were the first result.
1050 miles
1870 Rufe Snow Drive Keller, TX 762478
The Old Town Keller Foundation in Keller, Texas is located on Hill Street in the Old Town Keller area. It is situated near the intersection of Hill Street and Olive Street.
It is 283.82 miles according to MapQuest.
Keller, Texas is an affluent city with a median household income of over $140,000. It is known for its high property values and quality of life, making it an attractive place for residents seeking a comfortable lifestyle. The city offers a range of amenities and services, contributing to its appeal as a desirable place to live.
12 hours, 5 minutes. The distance is 801 miles.
$85 per full day if you have a bachelor's degree or a valid Texas teaching certificate.
16.2 mi - about 27 mins (up to 40 mins in traffic)Keller, TX.USA to Coppell, TX, USA1. Head south on S Elm St toward Farm-To-Market Rd 1709/Keller Pkwy/E Price St 26 ft 2. Take the 1st left onto Farm-To-Market Rd 1709/Keller Pkwy/E Price StContinue to follow Farm-To-Market Rd 1709 8.0 mi3. Continue onto E Southlake Blvd 0.9 mi4. Turn right at TX-114 Frontage Rd 0.2 mi5. Take the ramp on the left onto TX-114 E 3.4 mi6. Take the exit onto TX-121 N toward I-635 2.0 mi7. Take the exit toward Bass Pro Dr 0.3 mi8. Turn right at Bass Pro Dr/Bethel Rd/Grapevine Spring RdContinue to follow Bethel Rd 1.3 miCoppell, TX. USA