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According to Machiavelli, a ruler should be feared rather than loved by his subjects in order to maintain power. He should be cunning, decisive, and willing to engage in deceit and manipulation to achieve his goals. It is important for a ruler to prioritize the stability and success of the state above all else.

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Q: What a ruler should act like according to Machiavelli?
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According to the The Prince what is the ruler's primary goal?

According to "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli, the ruler's primary goal is to maintain power and stability in their state, even if it means using deceit, manipulation, or force. Machiavelli believed that a ruler's success should be measured by their ability to secure and maintain their authority at all costs.

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"The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli describes how a strong ruler obtains and keeps power through methods such as cunning, manipulation, and decisiveness. Machiavelli argues that a ruler should do whatever is necessary to maintain control and stability, even if it means acting without traditional moral constraints.

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What was a famous quote by Machiavelli in the renaissance?

One of Machiavelli's famous quotes from the Renaissance is "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both." This quote reflects his belief that rulers should prioritize power and control in their leadership approach.

According to Greek mythology who ruled Elysian Fields?

In Greek mythology, Cronus is the ruler of the Elysian Fields according to authors like Pindar and Hesiod. However, the ruler can change depending on the author. For example, in Homer's "Odyssey" the ruler of the Elysian Fields is Rhadamanthus.

How is Henry VIII like Machiavelli?

I want to know that! Why are you asking me ?!

How is machiavelli ideal for human behavior antithetical to erasmus in the prince of machiavelli?

Machiavelli's ideal for human behavior in "The Prince" emphasizes power, ruthlessness, and deceit for political success, while Erasmus advocates for virtues like kindness and honesty in "The Praise of Folly." Machiavelli believes that leaders should prioritize effectiveness over morality, whereas Erasmus promotes a more ethical and humanistic approach to governance. This fundamental difference in their philosophies reflects contrasting views on leadership and human nature.

What does a ruler measuring a cone looks like?

It should look by the calaculations of math (3y=|^) it would look like a house

What was the ruler look like in the past?

A ruler

Do you think People should follow Machiavelli ideas?

Machiavelli's ideas can be seen as controversial because they advocate for tactics like manipulation and deception for political gain. While some argue that his ideas may be effective in achieving power, it is important to consider moral and ethical implications. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to decide whether they want to follow Machiavelli's ideas based on their own values and beliefs.