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In "A Mystery of Heroism," Collins desires to fetch water from the enemy's well under fire in order to quench the thirst of his suffering comrades. He sees this act as a chance to display his bravery and potentially become a hero in the eyes of his fellow soldiers.

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Q: What ''heroic'' task does Collins want to perform from the book a mystery of heroism?
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What heroic task does Collins want to perform?

what heroic task does Collins want to perform ?

What is the adjective for heroism?

heroically - is the adverb of heroic - the word means: in a courageous manner

What is abstract noun of heroic?

The abstract noun related to the adjective 'heroic' is heroism.

Is heroic a personality trait?

"Heroic" is typically not considered a personality trait on its own, but rather a behavior or characteristic that someone may exhibit in certain situations. Traits like courage, altruism, or bravery may be associated with being "heroic", but it is more about one's actions rather than a consistent personality trait.

What is Abstract noun of hero?

Heroism, Heroic, Heroine

How do you put heroism in a sentence?

In an act that was unimaginably heroic, he ran to the burning car and rescued the passengers. Soldiers do not expect to receive medals for their heroic deeds.

Nouns of heronic?

A few nouns of the word heroic is heroism, bravery, and boldness.

What is the abstract noun for heroic?

The word heroic is both an adjective and a noun. The noun 'heroic' is a word for heroic action or behavior; the plural form 'heroics' is a word for flamboyant or extravagant language, sentiment, or behavior intended to seem heroic.The noun form for the adjective heroic is heroism.

What is the noun of heroic?

The word 'heroic' is the adjective form of the noun 'hero'.The noun 'hero' is a concrete noun as a word for a person.The abstract noun form of the noun 'hero' is heroism.

When collins first returned the other men most likely thought he was?


Is heroism a common human behavior?

Under circumstances of extreme difficulty (such as a battle in a war) heroism may take place but this can be very rare. The natural human instinct is to live, not to undertake dangerous heroic activities.

What is the root word contained in the word heroism?

The root word in "heroism" is "hero". It refers to a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.