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yes. he thought about it on a regular basis and wrote about it in his several journals including A Note To Myself. He also loved the color purple which is a fact most people don't know. He discusses how nature itself has a purple glow.

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12y ago
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13y ago

There will always be a large debate over what Hemingway's philosophy was. In my personal opinion based on the way he writes, i believe he was a nihilist. The way he wrote, it almost seems like nothing good ever comes for the characters in his books. I believe this comes from his nihilist beliefs that life has no meaning, and that destiny does not exist. However, all of what I've said is contradicted by his book, The Sun Also Rises. This book is basically about finding meaning in life, and his belief that most humans are doing nothing good with their lives. And those beliefs will fall under the category of existentialism. But again, in my opinion, even though that book was his first great work, i do not believe that it shapes his philosophy as a whole. The argument can also be made that he never intended to take a side as a philosophical writer. Its an easy argument to make that Hemingway was a bitter man and tortured his characters because he was angry that he could never find true love, or that things weren't going the way he would have liked them to go in his life. Its also a fact that Hemingway suffered from hemochromatosis, which is a rare disease, but basically it leaves you with not enough iron in your blood, but lacks the symptoms that hemophilia is known for. This left him severely bipolar. That may have contributed to the depressing style of his writing.

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5mo ago

Yes, Ernest Hemingway died by suicide in 1961. He shot himself with a shotgun at his home in Ketchum, Idaho.

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9y ago

Ernest Hemingway belonged to the 'Lost Generation' of American expatriate writers. Thus, some of his writings feature Americans in other countries and deal with themes of alienation.

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16y ago

It wasn't terrible. He had his ups and downs but felt as if life was pointless and just wrote how he felt in his books and suicided

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14y ago

Perhaps you should be wondering if Ghandi, the Dalai, George Washington, or James Brown found meaning in life.

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13y ago

Hemingway believed in the nada concept which means that he did not believe that there is anything after life. So he believed people should live life.

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