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Emma was dedicated to the Prince of Wales, who was regent at the time and became King George IV.

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Jane Austen's novel "Emma" is dedicated to the Prince Regent of England, who later became King George IV.

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Q: To which public figure is Emma by Jane Austen dedicated?
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What novel did Jane Austen dedicate to the Prince of Wales?

Jane Austen dedicated the novel Emma to the Prince of Wales, but not by choice. It was requested by the Prince himself that the dedication be made. Jane Austen thought the Prince to be a dirty adulterer and this can be found in many letters she wrote to friends and family.

How old is Emma in the beginning of Jane Austen's novel Emma?

Emma is twenty-one years old at the beginning of Jane Austen's novel "Emma."

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That would be the wonderful Jane Austen, who also wrote Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion.

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It is very loosely based on Jane Austen's novel, Emma.

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Does Emma have a formal education in the novel Emma by Jane Austen?

Yes, Emma Woodhouse does receive a formal education in the novel "Emma" by Jane Austen. She is educated by a governess and is described as well-read and knowledgeable, especially in subjects like history and literature.

What are the puppies in Jane Austen's Emma?

In Jane Austen's novel "Emma," the puppies are a gift from Mr. Frank Churchill to Emma Woodhouse. They are given as a symbol of his affection and as a way to charm her. The puppies represent Frank's playful and flirtatious nature.

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