The universal color for father is Green. The universal number for father is one. The color represent the father because the color that also represents faith and faithfulness. Green is also the color that represents the faithful and diligent farmer. All these symbols representing the color of the father are fitting symbol of the father.
Fathers offer a solid presence in the structure of a family. Symbols that can represent their roles are the number one, male lions, seahorses, and teachers.
There are no overall symbols that represent America. Though each country has their own national symbols.
Chemical symbols are used to represent elements.
There are many symbols that represent strength in the tattoo world. Some people get the word strength tattooed, some get tarot cards that represent strength. There are also tribal patterns that represent strength as well as ethnic symbols.
Conventional Symbols are symbols that are used on maps to represent different features.
They represent royalthy
They represent syllables or words.
Rivers are (comparatively) narrow, oceans are wide.