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Distractions like excessive materialism, attachment to desires, and overthinking can be considered Maya as they cloud the mind and keep one preoccupied with illusions of the world. These distractions prevent one from perceiving Brahman by creating a sense of separation and attachment to the external world, leading to ignorance of the true nature of reality and the self. To overcome Maya and perceive Brahman, one must cultivate mindfulness, detachment, and spiritual awareness to transcend these distractions.

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Q: Make a list distraction in your life that could be considered Maya how do these distractions keep you from perceiving Brahman?
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BRAHMAN:Brahman is made of two components.1. Saguna Brahman/ facilitating force of life: It is the state of activity at which we don't feel our body.2. Nirguna Brahman/ retarding force of life: It is the state of rest at which we don't feel our body.THE GENDER OF BRAHMAN:In all Hindu gods the Saguna component symbolizes god and the Nirguna component, goddess. According to this convention, Saguna Brahman should be male and Nirguna Brahman should be female. However, they are not considered so.Brahman is not a male even though it is considered as the same as Purusha (Manu Smriti 1.11) and Purusha means 'man'.Brahman is the very junction of our beliefs and facts.It is our entire life in one word. In a broad sense, it is the lives of all Hindus in one word.Thus, there is no scope for beliefs and symbols.Thus, Brahman is not a male and it doesn't have a wife.

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What are facts about brahman?

One fact about Brahman is that he is a god in the Hindu religion. Another fact is that it is believed that Brahman is present everywhere, and in everything.

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What is a symbol for brahman besides a drop of water?

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What facts Brahman facts?

One fact about Brahman is that he is a god in the Hindu religion. Another fact is that it is believed that Brahman is present everywhere, and in everything.

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When was Ciudad de Brahman created?

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What were negative qualities to Vishnu?

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How do you put brahman in a sentence?

A BRAHMAN means a learned man or a wise man, irrespective of his birth.