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Not really; it is fulfilment of prophesy, that all land thieves would be raised! Habakkuk 1:6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs. And none can deny America is guilty of that! And can anybody expect to go on violating scripture; and not suffer the consequence Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

Answer: In Das Kapital, Marx advises the communist revolutionary that the only way to beat a capitalist society is by undermining their currency. In 1972 Richard Nixon accomplished this goal by allowing the Federal Reserve to print "Fiat" money. Fiat money is currency not backed by wealth. The exact value of the dollar then is measured by what it buys. "Consumer confidence" becomes the necessary standard by which the currency retains any worth. Marx advocated a centralized market place where the price of goods and services was controlled by the government. The United States government has unabashedly regulated the market place for a number of years and this country currently has a President willfully engaging in dictating how those businesses, lined up for corporate welfare, do business. Marx's theory has been effectively placed into the American marketplace and the long and hard fought battle to "socialize" the United States is in its near completed stage. ---- Don't forget JJ; The creator abhors anything that divides; and capitolism is among the greatest of dividers, for without rich there are no poor Isaiah 23:10 Pass through thy land as a river, O daughter of Tarshish: there is no more strength. 23:11 He stretched out his hand over the sea, he shook the kingdoms: the LORD hath given a commandment against the merchant city, to destroy the strong holds thereof. And since 9/11. American capitalism has been hemorrhaging like a pig with its throat cut.

ANSWER: Ah, but to blame capitalism for the division amongst us it to deny the responsibility that we have towards each other. Capitalism is merely an economic theory that simply attempts to offer freedom to both rich and poor. The market place does not care of the station of people, it cares not of their race, creed or politics, but simply supplies what is in demand.

Mark 14:17 For ye have the poor always with you and whensoever you will , you may do them good, but me you have not forever. Capitalism began hemorrhging long before 9/11, it began the moment the standard currency was willfully undermined. The division of labor is created by those who labor. None in a free market system are bound by servitude and can negotiate contracts as they please. To fuel the division by assigning blame is what God abhors. Blame is irrelevant. Bleeding pigs squealing from sliced open throats is powerful Propaganda and nothing more. It does nothing to unite and everything to divide. And yet, there is no division between us my brother, we will be free when we choose to do so. No economic system can change that and no meaningless propaganda will ever unite us. It is only truth that will set us free. ---- constitution: Laws by which free men governthemselves. Free, and goverened in the same rhetorical; is an oxymoron. Do you realy think moronic wisdom is truth enough to set humans free. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nomen Inane: Empty words. Oxymoron: Pointedly foolish. Law: To lie; to occupy a certain relative place or position. To have a place in relation to something. We are free to choose. Our choices come with consequences. Accepting responsibility for the consequences of our choices is our choice. To not accept responsibility for the consequences of our action is our choice also. Both are followed with consequences. It is the consequences of action that is the relation of one place to another. This is the law. All things, all places and all time in this physical universe is governed by law. Moronic wisdom is not wisdom. Moronic rhetoric is false and Wisdom is truth. Oil and water do not mix. Why mix what wont be mixed?

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6mo ago

Many scholars argue that Karl Marx's theories on capitalism and economic crises are relevant to understanding current economic recessions. Marx's focus on the inherent contradictions of capitalism and the tendency for periodic crises due to overproduction and inequality can provide insights into the causes of recessions in modern economies. However, the extent to which Marx's theories are directly applicable to contemporary crises is still a subject of debate among economists and political theorists.

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