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The following are disorders of olfaction, or sense of smell:

* Anosmia - lack of ability to smell

* Cacosmia - things smell like feces

* Dysosmia - things smell differently than they should

* Hyperosmia - an abnormally acute sense of smell.

* Hyposmia - decreased ability to smell

* Olfactory Reference Syndrome - psychological disorder which causes the patient to imagine he has strong body odor

* Parosmia - things smell worse than they should

* Phantosmia - "hallucinated smell," often unpleasant in nature

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If you cannot smell, you are anosmic.

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Q: If you deaf if you can hear mute if you can not speak and blind if you can not see what are you if you can not smell?
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If you are deaf if you can hear mute if you can't speak and blind if you can't see what are you if you can't smell?

A person who can't smell is anosmic.

What is a person who can't speak see or hear called?

Deaf A hearing impaired person/ Deaf.

Is blind considered deaf?

No. Blind means you can't SEE. Deaf means you can't HEAR.

Advantages of being blind and deaf?

You can't see how ugly you really are. (: And you can't hear yourself fart. However, you can SMELL it. <3

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A digital thermometer. It is deaf because it cannot hear, dumb because it cannot speak, and blind because it cannot see, but it will always provide an accurate reading or truth about the temperature.

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This riddle is often answered as "nothing." The blind man can see nothing, the deaf man can hear nothing, and if you eat nothing, you die of starvation.

Is it better to be blind or deaf?

It really depends, but it would be bad to be either. If you are blind, you can' see. You have to have some one read to you and you need to be able to recognize people's voices instead of their faces. It can be hard to learn too. Same with being deaf. And it would be hard to understand people. But a lot of people would rather be blind. Why? Because at least you can hear, smell, and actually learn a little bit more then when you are deaf. But if you ever get blind or deaf, don't ask these questions.

What illness left her deaf and blind?

Helen Keller became blind and deaf at the age of 19 months due to an illness that was likely scarlet fever or meningitis. This illness affected her ability to see, hear, and speak, but she went on to achieve great success despite these challenges.

What is a person who can't speak or hear?

deaf mute person

Who said kindness is a language in which the deaf can hear and the blind can see?

Mark Twain