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No. No one can predict the outcome of such a case, regardless of what that person might claim. There is no way to determine if the young man would be charged with a crime because the parents file a compliant. Such a determination is made by the prosecutor's office based on the facts of the individual case. If the young man is charged and prosecuted, there is no way to determine if the will be found guilty of the charges (unless he voluntarily enters a plea) or if found guilty what sentencing will be imposed. Contrary to the majority of opinions, charges of statutory rape, sexual misconduct, etc. are not automatic nor are they always pursued. Generally felony criminal charges will be brought if the older of the party's is a legal adult, if the younger person is very young, (under 12), extenuating factors, alchohol, drugs (ectasy, etc) and so forth. What usually happens in such a case if the DA pursues action, is the older minor is allowed to plea to a lesser charge and unless he or she has a prior history of problems with authorities, disciplinary issues, etc. will receive probation.

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The outcome will depend on the laws in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. In many places, sexual activity between a 17-year-old and a 14-year-old may be considered statutory rape, even if it was consensual, due to the age difference. The young man could face charges and potential consequences, such as probation, counseling, or, in more severe cases, detention.

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Q: If a 17-year-old impregnates a 14-year-old and the parents plan to press charges will the young man definitely go to prison?
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