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His formal education completed at fifteen,

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5mo ago

Charles Dickens began his writing career at around the age of 20 when he started submitting sketches and short stories to various newspapers and magazines. His first published work was a short story called "Mr. Minns and his Cousin" which appeared in the Monthly Magazine in December 1833.

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12y ago

charles dickens was 12 when he went to school writen by Molly Richardson

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15y ago

He was born in 1812; wrote the Pickwick Papers in 1836, making him 24 years old.

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14y ago

age 15 boys and girls

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9y ago

He became a writer at the age of 12

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Charles Dickens died on June 9, 1870 at the age of 58.

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Charles Dickens attended school sporadically until the age of 15. After that, he studied on his own and was well-read.

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Charles Dickens did not attend university or graduate from any formal educational institution. He left school at a young age to work and support his family.

When was Charles Dickens born and when did he die?

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 and died on June 9, 1870.

Where did Charles Dickens go to work first?

Charles Dickens took his first job at the age of 12. He worked in a factory labeling jars of shoe polish.

What was Charles Dickens mothers maiden name?

Charles Dickens' mother was Elizabeth (Barrow) Dickens. After his father, Jhon Dickens, was inprisoned for debt, she along with her children (with the exception of Charles) were forced to join him. Later at the age of twelve Charles was forced to work at "Warren's blacking factory" a shoe-dying factory.