actually, he had four sisters (Astri, Alfhild, Aste, and Else) Astri died at the age of 7
he would have five sisters if you counted his older half sister, Ellen. They shared the same father
Roald Dahl had two sisters and five brothers.
Roald Dahl had two sisters, Asta and Alfhild, and one half-brother named Oscar.
what were the names of Roald Dahl brothers
Roald Dahl had 3 brothers and 4 sisters
4 and 1 half sister
Roald Dahl had four sisters: Astri, Else, Asta and Alfhild Astri, the eldest, died of appendicitis when Roald was three years old.
Roald Dahl had 4 brothers and 6 sisters, 1 ancient sister!
Yes, Roald Dahl had four sisters: Asta, Alfhild, Else, and Astri.
None, he only had sisters. the roald dahl quiz had tricked us
In there bedroom.
No, Roald Dahl was the youngest of three children in his family, with two older sisters.