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It really depends on which concentration camp you are talkin about. Anne Frank was at a couple different camps and was moved all around. She was at Bergen-Belson for 6 months. She was at another camp for a little over 6-7 months.

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5mo ago

Anne Frank was captured in Amsterdam on August 4, 1944, and was taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Later, she was transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she died in March 1945. Overall, she spent around seven months in concentration camps before her tragic death.

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10y ago

Anne Frank was living in various concentration camps for about a year. She died of typhus in Bergen-Belson concentration camp in Germany.

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No, Anne Frank did not have freedom during the time she was in hiding. She and her family were in hiding to escape Nazi persecution during World War II.

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Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, survived the Holocaust but lost his wife and two daughters, including Anne, in the concentration camps. Otto Frank lived a long life after the war and died of lung cancer in 1980.

How long was Anne Frank captive in camps?

She was a prisoner for seven months, August 4, 1944 to sometime in early March, 1945.

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Anne Frank did not survive the Nazi extermination camps. She died in Auschwitz in the Spring of 1945, about five months after she and her family were discovered hiding in Amsterdam, Holland.

How long was Anne Frank in a concentration camp before she died?

Anne Frank (and her sister Margot) died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945 (exact dates not known). The camp was liberated by the British on 15 April 1945.

How long was it after Margot Frank died did Anne Frank died?

Margot Frank died in late February or early March 1945 and Anne Frank died in early March 1945, a few days after her sister. They both perished in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

How long did Anne Frank live for?

anne frank lived for 15 years

Where does Anne Frank find what she long for?

Anne frank long for her diary does not find it because she dies from typhus

In the concentration camps how long did you have to be in it?

People were sent to concentration camps without trial and without any sentence. They were held indefinitely.

What was the Franks departure like Anne Frank?

The Franks went into hiding in July 1942, not long after Margot received a call-up notice from the SS. They spent over two years in hiding until they were discovered in August 1944, arrested, and deported to concentration camps. Anne and Margot died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen a few months before the camp was liberated. Only Otto Frank survived the Holocaust.

How long did Anne Frank live in Auschiwitz?

Anne Frank did not live in Auschwitz. She and her family were initially in hiding in Amsterdam, but were eventually captured and sent to concentration camps. Anne and her sister Margot died at the Bergen-Belsen camp in Germany in 1945, shortly before it was liberated.