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Marxism completely opposes the concept of nationalism, supporting a concept of postnationalism and internationalism. The idea that a person would have greater loyalty to a particular state, its culture, its history, and its identity, all of which are the core principles of nationalism, are deeply antithetical to Marxism. Marxism is about the idea that people across the world are only divisible by their wealth and property ownership, regardless of nation of origin. A Marxist would see a nationalist as (1) anachronistic, (2) conservative, (3) militaristic, and (4) racist/discriminatory.

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In Marxist terms, modern nationalism is seen as a tool used by ruling classes to maintain control and divide the working class. Nationalism often reinforces capitalist interests, driving workers to identify with their national identity rather than their class identity. Marxists argue that true international solidarity among workers is necessary to dismantle capitalist systems and achieve true equality.

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