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Read the freaking book. It is in there you lazy piece of s h i t

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Margot is initially happy for Anne and Peter, but later becomes uncomfortable with their relationship as it develops, feeling left out and lonely. She struggles with feelings of jealousy and isolation as she witnesses their closeness.

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Q: How does Margot react to Anne and Peter's relationship?
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Anne franks relationship with her sister?

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Who was Anne's closest relationship with?

Anne's closest relationship was with her father, Otto Frank. She also had a close relationship with her sister, Margot, as well as with one of the families that hid with them during the Holocaust, the Van Pels.

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Anne's mother was 29 when she had Anne but , 26 when she Margot .. dah Margot was 3 years older than Anne .... R.I.P Anne, Margot, Edith, & Otto Frank.

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Margot was two years older than Anne.

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Yes, Anne Frank's sister's name was Margot. Margot died of typhus like Anne.

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Was Margot Frank with Anne Frank when she died?

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What has the author Anne L Peters written?

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Anne Frank's sisters name was Margot Frank...

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