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In "Dracula," Bram Stoker describes Count Dracula as a tall, thin man with sharp teeth, pointed ears, and a pale complexion. The description creates a sense of unease and mystery around the character, highlighting his supernatural and menacing nature. This portrayal adds to the overall atmosphere of fear and suspense in the novel.

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Who wrote count Dracula?

Bram Stoker

When was count Dracula Writen?

1897 by Bram Stoker

When was count Dracula first mentioned?

In Bram Stoker's "Dracula".

What year was the count dracula novel by Bram Stoker writtan?


What well known book did Bram Stoker write and which other European country was the main character from?

Bram Stoker wrote "Dracula," and Count Dracula came from Transylvania, which ispart of Romania.Dracula,Transyllvania

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In the book "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, vampire hunter Van Helsing dies during his mission to kill Count Dracula.

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Count Dracula by Bram Stoker of course.

Facts about Bram Stoker?

Bram Stoker's birth name is Stoker, Abraham.

What is an object that can describe science?

We generally get our descriptions from people, not from objects. Although if you count books, then that would be a good kind of object in which to find a description.

Who is the guy who started the Dracula legend?

Count Dracula is a character in Bram Stoker's Dracula novel.

What was Bram Stoker's most infamous character?

Bram Stoker's most infamous character is Count Dracula, a bloodthirsty vampire from his novel "Dracula" published in 1897. Dracula has become an iconic figure in horror literature and popular culture.

Where is count dracular's house?

Count Dracula's house is fictionally located in Transylvania, specifically in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. The most famous depiction of his home is in Bram Stoker's novel, "Dracula."