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Prududice-A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation. Some people may have sound reson for their predudice, but in my experience it is because they do not know all of the facts of a given situation. There may be jealousy ie A feeling of jealous envy (especially of a rival). Make sure that your reasons are sound, that you do have all of the facts, and remember a little bit of acceptance is far better then a lot of aggravation-Unfriendly behaviour that causes anger or resentment

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16y ago
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6mo ago

To prevent prejudice, it is important to educate oneself about different cultures and beliefs, engage in open-minded conversations with people from diverse backgrounds, and challenge stereotypes and biases. Building empathy and showing respect towards others can also help reduce prejudice.

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13y ago

In our society today, a mass amount of the population judge one another based on first impressions. Whether it's a bad or good judgement, every one of us judges the appearance of another at first sight. We cannot combat prejudice by simply just advising the general public to avoid any source of prejudice. You can't go against some ones will by desperately attempting to influence them. However, there are also many alternatives to this issue. For instance, taking steps slowly and gradually attaining the publics' notice. By achieving this we could also educate the younger generation therefore they can be aware of the dangers.

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13y ago

You can't. Prejudice is established by even listening to the persons voice. Whatever you hear, smell, or see from something else automatically makes you form an opinion about it. It will take a very strong willed person or a completely clueless person to be unaffected by prejudice.

The only was is to eliminate all natural intelligent life. Which would be undesirable.

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14y ago

by becoming involved with groups other than one's own refence group

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14y ago

You don't model it. Prejudice is a learned behavior. It is passed on from generation to generation. Children are basically free of prejudice, until they are taught to be other wise. IMO

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Relevant data on the exact number of suicides attributed solely to prejudice is difficult to quantify. However, research suggests that discriminatory attitudes and stigmatization can contribute to increased suicide rates among marginalized groups. It's important to address prejudice and discrimination as social determinants of mental health to prevent such tragic outcomes.

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The tenses of prejudice are past tense (prejudiced), present tense (prejudice), and future tense (will prejudice). Prejudice is an emotion or attitude formed prior to having adequate information, leading to a biased judgment.

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The adjective for prejudice is "prejudiced."

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Prejudice is a lack of respect, therefore respect overcomes prejudice in the act.

What is the verb form of Prejudice?

The verb form of prejudice is "prejudice." You can use it to indicate the action of holding or showing prejudice against someone or something.

When did prejudice end?

Prejudice didn't end. People still exhibit prejudice today. Prejudice means you are pre- judging someone before you really get to know them.