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Rousseau and Wordsworth both emphasize the purity and simplicity of the natural man, but they differ in their views on society's impact on human nature. Rousseau argues that society corrupts the natural man, while Wordsworth suggests that reconnecting with nature can restore humanity's lost innocence. Despite these differences, both thinkers highlight the importance of the natural world in shaping human character and values.

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Q: How do Rousseau and Wordsworth compare in the ways they approach natural man?
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How does wordsworth tintern Abbey compare and contrast to coleridge the rime of the ancient mariner?

Both "Tintern Abbey" by Wordsworth and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Coleridge deal with themes of nature, spirituality, and the connection between humans and the natural world. However, while Wordsworth's poem focuses on the restorative power of nature and the joy of returning to a familiar place, Coleridge's poem explores the consequences of disrupting the natural order and the guilt and redemption that come with it. Additionally, Wordsworth's poem is more introspective and reflective, while Coleridge's poem is more fantastical and suspenseful.

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that civilization corrupts people's natural goodness. Rousseau believed that society's rules and expectations lead individuals to act unnaturally and that humans are inherently good in their natural state.

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I take it you too are taking POS 222. But no, Rousseau wasn't the person who wrote about the natural rights of man. It was John Locke.

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What is Rousseau's view on human nature?

Rousseau believed that humans are inherently good, compassionate, and peaceful in their natural state. He argued that it is society and its institutions that corrupt individuals, leading to competition, inequality, and conflict. Rousseau's philosophy centered on the idea that returning to a more simple and harmonious way of living could help restore humanity's natural goodness.

What did Rousseau the philosopher believe about human nature?

Rousseau believed that humans are inherently good and that society and its institutions corrupt them. He argued that people are free and equal in their natural state, and it is society that creates inequalities and divisions. Rousseau believed that returning to a more simple and natural way of living would lead to a more harmonious society.

What does the boy learn from B. Wordsworth?

The boy learns from B. Wordsworth the importance of connecting with nature, finding joy in simple pleasures, and embracing imagination to enrich his life. Wordsworth's teachings inspire the boy to appreciate and cherish the beauty of the natural world around him.

What did Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau say about education?

Rousseau believed in a more natural approach to education, emphasizing individual development and self-discovery. He argued that education should focus on nurturing a child's unique talents and interests rather than imposing traditional teaching methods. Rousseau's ideas laid the foundation for modern educational theory that values student-centered learning and personal growth.

Why do people admire William Wordsworth?

People admire William Wordsworth for his pioneering role in the Romantic literary movement, his revolutionary poetic style that emphasized nature and emotion, and his exploration of profound themes such as the beauty of the natural world, the passage of time, and the impact of memory on the human experience. His innovative approach to poetry and deep connection with nature have solidified his reputation as one of the greatest poets in English literature.

How would you compare frost and wordsworth with reference to nature poetry?

Both Frost and Wordsworth write about nature, but they do so in different ways. Wordsworth's poetry reflects a belief in the spiritual connection between humanity and the natural world, often focusing on themes of beauty and tranquility. In contrast, Frost's poetry tends to emphasize the harshness and unpredictability of nature, with a more realistic and sometimes darker tone. Both poets, however, share a deep appreciation for nature and its role in human experience.

What is natural freedom according to Rousseau?

Natural freedom, according to Rousseau, refers to the state of liberty that individuals possess in a state of nature, where they are free to act according to their own will without interference from others. This natural freedom is based on individuals' ability to follow their own desires and instincts, and is associated with a sense of independence and self-determination. Rousseau contrasts this with civil freedom, which involves the social constraints and obligations that arise when individuals form a society.

Where did William Wordsworth lived?

William Wordsworth lived in Grasmere, which is in the Lake District of Britain