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Customers can order extra milk by simply requesting it from the barista when placing their order. They can specify the amount of extra milk they would like in their drink, such as "Can I have an extra splash of milk, please?" or "I'd like a double shot latte with extra milk."

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The cast of Extra Milk - 2012 includes: John Lauderdale

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Depending on your preference in scented soap, milk and honey soap may be worth the extra cost. There is an inexpensive brand of milk and honey soap available at

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dfgsd dfhgdfrg fdgrdgfd

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The cast of The Mystery of the Milk - 1914 includes: Charles Avery as Extra Kate Bruce as Extra Edward Dillon as Policeman

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bold = dark, so extra bold = extra dark. bold/dark refers to the body of the coffee, same as how you would describe whole milk (bold/dark) vs. nonfat milk (light) vs. 2% milk (medium)

In order to change the phase of milk what had to be removed?

The heat energy in the milk had to be removed in order to change the phase of milk.

The meaning of colostrum in English with tagalog?

It is a female animal's first milk, secreted after giving birth - usually extra thick and rich in order to give the new born a good start in life. This milk is rich in nutrients, nourishment and anti-bodies.

Can extra light milk be substituted with regular milk?

It depends on the recipe. For some things, it will work, for others, it will ruin everything.

Do you get an extra bone of you drink plenty of milk?

No matter how much calcium you consume, you will not grow an extra bone, nor would you want to.

Where was Caffe Latte invented?

Caffe Latte was invented at the Caffe Mediterraneum in Berkeley California by Lino Meiorin when one of his early morning American customers felt that espresso was just too strong and wanted to use the extra milk that Lino would steam for cups of coffee in order to keep them hotter than milk alone. The diverse subcultures coming in and traveling through Berkeley have since brought it to the rest of the world and is now one of the most consumed coffee drinks in the world.

How is extra calcium added to milk?

well i really don't know dude.