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Dickens paied for the first 6000 copies to be published as his publishers thought the book would not sell. In fact 6000 sold in 2 weeks and the publishers took over the job and cost due to teh incredible sales. Its first publication was 17th December 1843

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5mo ago

Charles Dickens published his work primarily in serialized form in newspapers and magazines. Some of his most famous works, like "Oliver Twist" and "A Tale of Two Cities," were first published in this manner before being released as full-length novels.

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12y ago

charles dickens work was published because he wrote lots of novels and became slowly slowly famouse and the best in britain

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12y ago

He published his works through serials in newspapers. He would publish chapters at regular intervals and if they were popular he would get it published as a book.

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14y ago

when he was 50

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Many of Dickens works were published chapter-by-chapter in magazines. This was a common practice in Victorian novels, and helps explain the plot-teaser in the chapter heads.

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Charles Dickens wrote his first paper, "A Dinner at Poplar Walk," in 1833 when he was just 21 years old. It was published in the monthly magazine, the Monthly Magazine.

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What year did Charles Dickens work for the morning chronicle?

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What was so hard about the time Charles dickens wrote in?

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What did Charles Dickens work as?

Charles Dickens was an author and editor. He wrote The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, Pickwick and Oliver Twist.