Mark Cross bags or purses are sold in BarneyÍs and other high end stores. To make sure you have purchased a real bag look for the tag made of nickel inside the bag with the Mark Cross name. Also is should not be Marc but Mark.
If it does not have TM (Trade Mark) beside the I. And if it does it is real.
Mark Cross - musician - was born on 1965-08-02.
His real name is Mark Jerrold Henry.
The quickest way to tell if your Chinese dinnerware set is in fact made in China is to read the makers mark on the base of the pieces . There you will find the unique mark that will determine it`s origin .
A Mark in a bone can tell many things. It can tell of a trama, a broken bone, a cut, scrape. an mark can tell a story
Mark Jerrold Henry!
Mark Henry's real name is Mark Jerrold Henry.
Dave Cross's birth name is David Mark Cross.
He has a cross on his Bass because he believes in christian religion! That's why he has a cross on it!
The Undetaker's real name is Mark Calaway.