Judy Blume's current husband is George Blume.
John Blume
Judy Blume was born Judith Sussman. Blume was the last name of her first husband.
Yes, Judy Blume's first husband, John Blume, passed away in 1976. She later remarried to George Cooper.
Judy and John Blume were married on August 19th 1959.Wheeler, Jill C. Judy Blume. Minnesota: Abdo & Daughters, 1996
Yes, Judy Blume was married 3 times: John M. Blume (1959 - 1976), Thomas A. Kitchens (1976 - 1978), and her current husband, George Cooper (1987).
Judy Blume lives with her husband George Cooper and they have one child together. The couple have been married since 1987 and live in Key West.
Judy Blume lives with her husband George Cooper and they have one child together. The couple have been married since 1987 and live in Key West.
Judy Sussman Blume.
Judy Blume is a woman.
Judy Blume is an American author.
No, Judy Blume is not single.