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William Blake was a prolific artist who produced a large body of work throughout his lifetime. He began creating art at a young age and continued to produce art until his death at the age of 69. His works ranged from engravings to paintings and are known for their intricate detail and complex symbolism.

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Q: Did William Blake do his art work for a long time?
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When was the marriage of heaven and hell printed by William Blake?

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When did William Blake write the question answered?

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What is the movement of William Blake?

William Blake was an English poet, painter, and printmaker who was part of the Romantic movement. His work often combined visionary poetry with intricate illustrations, exploring themes of spirituality, mysticism, and social injustice. Blake's unique style and unorthodox approach to art and poetry set him apart from his contemporaries.

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Which is a 'visionary' work by William Blake?

One of William Blake's visionary works is "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell," where he explores themes of duality and the interplay between good and evil. This illuminated book combines prose and poetry to challenge traditional beliefs and societal norms, showcasing Blake's unique visionary style.