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Yes, she taught in a one room school house in Walnut Grove. Her brother and Willie Olson were 2 of her students

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Yes, Mary Ingalls did become a teacher for a short period of time. She taught at the Iowa School for the Blind in Vinton, Iowa.

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she was blind

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She actually had two children, a son died shortly after childbirth. Your question is a little confusing. None of her sisters ever had children. Her sister Carrie raised her husbands two children from a former marriage. Sister Mary never married and lived at home with Ma all of her life.

Did Mary Ingalls regain her eyesight?

No, she didn't. She contracted scarlet fever at the age of 14, which resulted in lifelong blindness. Throughout the 1880's she attended the Iowa College for the Blind at Vinton in Iowa, during which time she took a year out before graduating with honours in 1889 at the age of 24. Contrary to popular belief, she never went on to herself become a teacher of the blind, nor did she ever marry-she passed away on 20th October 1928, at the age of just 63. The strain of scarlet fever that she contracted no longer exists now- it was a scourge of Victorian times and attacked the region of the brain that controls eyesight. However, modern strains of scarlet fever do not do this, so today's sufferers are no longer at risk of such terrible consequences.

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