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Some psychologists and others have speculated Poe may have been bipolar. There is no real proof of this since this was not a term or diagnosis used in his lifetime. He seems to have suffered greatly from depression and was not always capable of making the best decisions in his life.

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10y ago
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5mo ago

There is speculation among scholars that Edgar Allan Poe may have displayed symptoms of Bipolar disorder, given his mood swings, erratic behavior, and struggles with depression and anxiety. However, since he lived in the 19th century and was never formally diagnosed, it is impossible to definitively confirm this.

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14y ago

Poe was never diagnosed with bipolar disorder during his lifetime. Any "diagnosis" after his death based on observations of others is too unreliable to even come close to a credible hypothesis that he did have it.

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12y ago

Many believed that Edgar Allan Poe had bipolarity due to his change of moods that often happened. Others believed it was just his "poetic ways" he has no record of ever being positively bipolar, at any rate most signs point to yes.

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13y ago

While it is often suggested that creativity and the bipolar disorder are linked, the conceptual terms 'circular insanity' and 'dual form insanity' were first introduced by two different French doctors in February of 1854. Poe had passed away in October of 1849.

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13y ago

No one knows whether or not Poe had bipolar disorder.

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14y ago

Yes he did. He also had a drinking problem that pretty much controlled his life. He ended up dying because of his problems

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