Well, honey, in the "Little House on the Prairie" books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Charles Ingalls did spank his daughter, Laura, a couple of times. So, technically, he did spank one of his kids. But let's be real here, those were different times and spanking was more common back then.
Yes, Charles Ingalls, a character from the "Little House on the Prairie" series, did spank some of his children, including Laura and Carrie, as was common during that time period. The depiction of discipline in the books reflects the parenting practices of the era in which they are set.
Yes he did! If you read Laura Ingalls Wilders books, based on her own life you will find that Charles was a strict disiplinarian who used a strap when his daughters needed it, as evidenced in "Little House in the Big Woods". Please keep in mind, if you have only seen the show, the show is not an accurate protral of the books, Albert for example is only a part of the show, in real life there is Mary, Lara and Carrie. "Farmer Boy" the story of a year in Almoanzo Wilder's life will show you his father was even more strict using a whip on his sons on occassion (though the book does not give an example of a time it was used it was threated no less than three times in the book).
That being said in the show no Charles Ingalls never acctully spanks his children he threatens but he never acctully fallows though that we can see.
Considering the fact that the real Charles Ingalls lived in the 1800s, yes he probably did utilize corporal punishment. Not sure if he spanked specifically; it seems more likely that he would have used a switch or other stick-like object of some sort to discipline his children.
Jonathan Garvey was a fictional character in the television show "Little House on the Prairie" based on the book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. In the show, he was portrayed as a close friend of Charles Ingalls. There was no real-life Jonathan Garvey associated with the Ingalls family.
no he does NOT who ever told you that
No, But he got really mad at people.
Grace Ingalls was the youngest sister of writer Laura Ingalls Wilder. She was married to Nathan William Down in 1901. Unfortunately, the couple had no children. Grace died in 1941 from complications with diabetes, a disease that was prevalent in the Ingalls family.
yes she did she is soo coo coo
No, it is not appropriate or acceptable to physically punish another adult in any context. Conflict resolution and communication should always be based on respectful and non-violent methods.
There is no historical record or evidence of Mary Ingalls, the sister of Laura Ingalls Wilder, ever receiving a spanking as a child. Their childhood was documented in the "Little House on the Prairie" book series, and there is no mention of such an event occurring.
No man of any age should ever physically touch (or spank) a younger non married woman. However, it appears that you are having an affair with the married man and if you both get excitement out of him spanking you then it is up to you to communicate this fact to him one way or the other.