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I can find no mention of Dickens ever having played football (or soccer), unless it was during the brief period he attended school until he was about 12 years old. But no mention is made of it that I can find.

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∙ 15y ago
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∙ 5mo ago

Yes, Charles Dickens enjoyed a variety of hobbies. He was an avid reader and loved to walk long distances as a form of exercise and creative inspiration. He also enjoyed performing at amateur theatrical productions and was passionate about social reform and philanthropy.

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∙ 13y ago

he didnt like any sports he only liked writing

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∙ 12y ago

helping the less fortunate, writing books and comedy acting.

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∙ 12y ago

totally dude it was Netball he loved to play he was goal shooter

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∙ 12y ago

i think so ...

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∙ 6y ago


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∙ 4y ago


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