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In the book Anne Frank, Anne specifically writes that her and her family did quite a lot of arguing with the other family while hiding for two years in the "Secret Annexe". She writes that not finding something to argue over would be impossible because of the close quaters they were hiding in.

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Anne Frank's family did have conflicts and disagreements with the other family they were hiding with, the Van Daans. Tensions arose due to the stress of living in close quarters and the prolonged confinement. Despite this, both families managed to work together to survive during their time in hiding.

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Q: Did Anne Frank's family argue with the other family when they were in hiding?
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What other family was hiding with the Franks?

the Van Dans I'm not sure if this is spelled right though

Who was the other family in the hiding place with the franks?

The van Pels (in diary known as van Daans) and Mr. Pfeffer (in diary known as Mr. Dussel) were in the secret annexe with the Franks. Merry Christmas! -22redroses

What other family join Anne Frank's family in hiding?

The other familys that joined Anne franks family was Hermann and Petronella Daan and their son Peter. There was also a man named Albert Dussel

How many years were Anne franks family in hiding?

Anne Frank hid in the secret annex in Amsterdam, The Netherlands for just over 2 years, from July 6, 1942 until August 4, 1944. On August 4, 1944, Anne Frank, her family, and the other people hiding in the secret annex were discovered and arrested by the Nazis.

Why would the Franks and hundreds of others go into hiding?

The family of Anne Frank, as well as hundreds of other Jewish families, went into hiding to avoid being captured and sent to German concentration camps. The fate of Jewish people in these camps was usually forced labor and, often, torture and death.

What does the burglar steel from the annex of the franks?

The burglar stole cash and personal belongings from the annex where Anne Frank and her family were hiding during World War II. This theft added to the already dire and dangerous situation faced by the Frank family and the other occupants of the annex.

What was Anne Franks life like before hiding?

Anne Frank's life before she went into hiding was very nice. She was very fond of her dad Otto who was a very nice man. == ==She had a pleasant. carefree and somewhat spoiled life of a young pre-teen from an upper middle class family in Amsterdam. In other words: Completely normal - until the Nazi occupation began to strip away everyone's freedoms.

How did the four helpers assist the franks family?

They would give them food and other supplies.

Why do family members argue?

People argue for many different reasons. Some can be about money or to marriage. Also, family member argue because they don't agree with each other and they both think they are right.

What did the Franks hope for while hiding in the annex?

Like many Jews who were in hiding, the Frank family hoped to avoid being captured by the Nazis, since that would mean certain death. They hoped they would survive the war and that the Nazis would be defeated. Sadly, someone betrayed the family, and told the Nazis where the Franks were being hidden. In August 1944, Anne, her sister, and her mother were shipped to concentration camps, where they died. Otto was also sent to a concentration camp but somehow managed to survive until Russian troops liberated him and other prisoners. But he was the only member of the family who made it out alive.

Where did the Frank family go into hiding?

Another Jewish family hid in the "Secret Annex" with the Franks. They were called Van Pels. The family consisted of a father, a mother, and a son, Peter, who Anne eventually fell in love with. There was one other person hiding with them. He joined them later. He was an elderly Jewish dentist named Dussel. Anne was frustrated by him sometimes, and she had to share a room with him. There was a total of eight people in the secret annex.

What was the Boys name that fell in love with Anne during hiding?

Peter van Pels was his name. Early editions of the diary used pseudonyms for those in hiding other than the Franks, but that was eliminated years ago - their correct names are used today.