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To get a iTunes account, simply plug your iPod into your computer and one should open! However, if this does not work hop on over to and look at their FAQ.

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Q: You havent got an itunes account how do you get one on mu ipod touch?
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I have a ipod touch and the itunes account is under my moms name and i want to make my own account but itunes doesn't work can i delete my moms account off my ipod on my ipod touch itunes?

You will need a credit card with your name on it for this to work. If you make the account and sign in to it on itunes, when you sink the ipod it should have your account on it.

Can I use my Ipod and itouch on same itunes account on two computers?

You should be able to use your iPod and iPod Touch on the same iTunes account on both computers.

Why can't I install apps from my iPod Touch onto my iPod Touch?

You probably need to make a itunes account

How can I get a free apple Id?

iTunes accounts are free anyways. Go to and download itunes, once installed it will give you the option to set up an account.

How do you register your iPod touch?

go on itunes and make an account its simple

Does your iTunes account able to see everything you do on the ipod touch?

No, it does not work that way. Your iTunes account can only see what is purchased by users of that account.

Do Apps bought from the iPod touch app store transfer automatically to iTunes on the next sync?

Yes. ...That is, assuming that the iTunes account on the computer it's syncing to is the same as the iTunes account that was used to purchase the app from the App Store on the iPod touch.

How do you create an app account on your ipod touch?

There is no such thing as an 'app account'. You must go onto iTunes from your computer and sign up for an iTunes account to download or purchase apps from the App Store on your iPod Touch. The iTunes accounts are free, so it isn't anything you don't want.

How do you add money to your iTunes account from your iPod touch?

It depends on what you're adding it from.

How do you sign out of itunes with an iPod touch?

you need to sign in on your computer and then sync your ipod or iphone to your account

Is the iTunes account on the ipod touch free?

To activate it, yes. But to uy anything off of it, no. Its like an Itunes on-the-go

How do you switch from an iPod Shuffle to a different iPod to your same account?

just plug in ipod touch into youre computer and allow it to youre itunes account and it will put all the stuff on the ipod touch. Hope it helped (by Jamieson)