On a regular Mac GarageBand is located in the Applications folder.
ineed to know
Both iTunes and Garageband will convert WAV of AIFF files to MP3 format. Each of these are free on a Mac platform. I don't know if they are free for PCs.
Garageband should be in the Applications folder of every MacBook.
thats what ineed to know
iNeed to know the same thing . but oddviuslly no one knows . ):
Garageband really :/ thats the best i know
Well, if you have an Apple computer, I would recommend recording yourself in Garageband. Then afterwards, there are dozens of effects that you can add to your voice. Then if you wanted to save it as a real song, there is an option that will allow you to save your file in iTunes. I don't know what you would do on a PC.
that's wat ineed to know i cant get itrite ....lolguess whos dis
You could try cutting the treble down, otherwise, being a heavy user of Garageband, .. no, but there are programs out there that can extract the voice. The only other way I know is to use Logic Pro.
The Itunes know it is an old song.
What is the fee for joining? Ineed to know what are the requirements?