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Yes, Blu Ray dvd players do play regular dvds, but, unfortunately, if you want HD then you cannot play it on the Blu Ray. So you can be limited on choices.

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Q: Will a regular DVD player play a blu-ray movie?
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Can Bluray player play regular DVD?


Does the Phillips Home Theater system have a Bluray player?

No, it will not play Bluray discs, but it is upscaling, so you can watch your regular DVDs at HD quality.

Can a regular DVD player play 3D DVDs?

No. All current 3D disc content is HD and so use Bluray discs. You have to have a 3D Bluray player.

Can a Sony DVD player play a Blu-ray DVD?

A DVD player cannot play a BluRay disc. A BluRay player can play both BluRay discs and DVDs.

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play 3D discs on any bluray player?

No. You need a BluRay player that specifically says it can read 3-D disks

Why is a DVD player a better decision than a BluRay player?

A DVD player is a better decision than a BluRay player based on price alone. This type of player is cheaper. A BluRay player may be a better idea because it can also play DVDs and has more advanced features.

Can you play Blu-ray discs on regular DVD player?

BluRay discs carry high definition television and therefore store data in a high density format. A standard definition DVD player will not recognise a BluRay disc and will simply report an error if one is loaded. On the other hand, a BluRay player will not only play BluRay discs but will also handle standard DVDs. Most will also recognise and play CD format discs. Most Bluray players will also down convert the HD signal from a BluRay disc so that it can be viewed on a standard definition television. In this case, of course, the image quality will be the same as any other standard definition signal. To benefit from the high definition signal, an HD television is also required.

Can blu ray player play DVD discs?

No it cannot you need a ps3 or a bluray player

Why would you need a Blu-ray player?

you would need one if you had bluray movies because they can't play on regular DVD players. Blueray players can play regular DVD's in better quality and they have cool features like netflix, blockbuster, youtube, and more.

Can a zenith dvd player play blu-ray discs?

No it cannot you need a ps3 or a bluray player

Does the Toshiba C55t-A play bluray?

Yes, the Toshiba C55T does play the bluray.