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you need to shut your iPod down once in a while. so shut it down and turn it back on if this doesnt work the try to restore it. all your memory is on your computer so you can get everything back. hope this helps.

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Q: Why does your ipod touch say you have 0 bytes left even though you just synced it with your computer and deleted songs?
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What is bytes mega bytes and giga bytes?

bytes, megabytes and Gigabytes are the units for measuring the amout of data on a computer. 1024 megabytes are a gigabyte

How are pictures stored in a computer?

As bytes.

Computer file sizes in bites?

1 byte 10 bytes 100 bytes 1000 bytes = 1 mb

How much costs a computer with 1 TeraHZ speed and 1 zeta bytes storage?

Lol no such computer exists at the moment that is commercially available. I can't say anything about the military though.

How many bytes make up a Terabyte?

One tera byte is 1,099,511,627,776 (240) bytes, in traditional computer memory terms, or 1,000,000,000,000 (1012) bytes, in computer communications terms. Usage is sometimes confusing, because not everyone uses the same nomenclature.

What are bites on a computer?

Bytes are what computers use for memory. They store digital information that the computer uses.Example: An average song is about 6 megabytes or roughly 6000000 bytes

Is equal to exactly 1024 bytes but often is rounded down to 1000 bytes by computer users?

A kilobyte

Can a computer eat pie?

Yes. It eats it with Bytes.

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What is megger byte in computer?

There is no such thing as "megger byte in computer".However, in computing terms a "megabyte" is commonly used to mean either 10002 bytes or 10242 bytes.

How many bytes in one giga bytes?

In computer memory terms, one gigabyte = 1,073,741,824 bytes. In telecomunication terms, it is commonly referred to as 1,000,000,000 bytes. For most marketing reasons, it is shortened to mean 1,000,000,000 bytes, however this is slightly misleading.

What meant by megabytes kilobytes and gigabytes?

It refers to the size of files which is what is used in a computer. Byte: 1 Kilobyte: 1,000 bytes Megabyte: 1,000,000 bytes Gigabyte: 1,000,000,000 bytes