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so if you happen to get caught again they have proof that you did get caught and you would already be in their system.

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Q: Why do the police take a picture of you?
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Do you have a picture with Elvis and a Detroit police officer?

yes i do have picture of elvis and a police officer in detroit

Who are the people that took picture of the dead bodies?

There are some police officers that take picture of dead bodies. You will also find people working for coroners taking these pictures.

Are police allowed to take pictures of your car while it's not running?

Yes. If your car parked on public probably, it is allowed to take photo. But police maybe ask you first before take picture on private probably for e.g your house.

Can a police officer take a picture of you during a traffic stop and why?

US law basically says that anyone can take a picture of you (there may be restrictions on the commercial use of a picture without the permission of the subjects, but your permission is not required simply to take the picture), so sure.

Which is right you didn't took a picture or i didn't take a picture?

i didn't take a picture

This strange guy is always following me he is like 40 one day he was sitting outside my porch what should I do?

Take his picture with your cell phone but call the police first.

Use identifiable in a sentence online?

Her picture was identifiable in the police report.

Is it illegal to have pictures of marijuana on your phone?

No it is not. Unless it is a picture of someone using it. If it is a picture of someone using it they need to be turned in to the police.

How do speedcameras work?

They are triggered by either radar or laser signals to take pictures of the vehicles that tripped the mechanism. Same method as when they are hand-held by police officers except they take a picture and store it until it is retreived later.

What are the cameras for on traffic lights?

traffic light cameras are camerashat take pics of peoples cars when they pass the streets when its red light

Did Martin Luther have pets?

Not as far as we know. There is a famous picture of him with a dog, but that is a picture of him in a police car when they put a police dog (german shepherd) in there with him. Instead of being intimidated by the dog, MLK Jr. made friends with him.

When was Take Another Picture created?

Take Another Picture was created in 1983.