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The movie projector: The "lumiere" brothers (French). As for the phonograph, I dont know.

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Q: Who invented the movie projector and the phonograph?
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When was the movie projector invented?

in was invented in 1860's

Why was the phonograph invented?

why was the phonograph invented

Did Thomas Edison invent the Motion-Picture Projector?

Thomas Edison did not invent the motion-picture projector. He is credited with inventing the phonograph and the incandescent light bulb, but the motion-picture projector was actually invented by Thomas Armat and C. Francis Jenkins in 1895.

What did Thomas Edison invented?

The light bulb!

Was the phonograph invented in 1876?

The phonograph was invented by Thomas Alba Edison in 1877. He invented the phonograph in Menlo Park, New Jersey.

Which year was the phonograph?

The phonograph was invented in the year 1877 by Thomas Edison.

Who year was the phonograph invented in?

The phonograph was invented in 1877 by Thomas Alva Edison.

In what year was the phonograph invented?

The phonograph was invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison.

Who invented phonograph?

The phonograph was invented by Thomas Alba Edison in 1877. He invented the phonograph in Menlo Park, New Jersey.

How did Thomas Edison help mankind?

Thomas Edison's impact on history is that he was an American inventor, who held over 1,000 patents to his name. He invented the Kinetoscope (movie projector), improved upon the incandescent light bulb, invented the first "tin foil" phonograph in 1877 and invented many other things during his life time that have benefited mankind.

When was overhead projector invented?

The overhead projector was invented in the 1960's.

What is the subject and predicate in Edison invented the phonograph?

Subject: Edison Predicate: invented the phonograph