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Rhythm, emphasis, volume, repetition, tone, are some.

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Q: Which devices does a speaker use to keep the audiences attention on the topic of the speech?
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What is considered a keynote speaker?

Steve is well known Management Coaching Keynote Speaker & Entrepreneur Motivational Keynote Speaker who uplifts thousands of audiences with powerful messages on Leadership, Spiritual Entrepreneurship and more.

What should a speech introduction do?

Get the audience's attention and state a clear claim. APEX

When analyzing a speech what should be your first step?

identify the speakers main argument

What makes a good student council speech?

Be funny. Grab the audiences attention and speak clearly and loudly. Do something different. Dance or sing or something

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What is the criteria in analyzing a speech?

In analyzing a speech, one should consider the speaker's use of rhetorical devices like ethos, logos, and pathos, the organization and structure of the speech, the effectiveness of the speaker's delivery and presence, the clarity of the message, and the intended audience and purpose of the speech. By evaluating these elements, one can better understand the impact and effectiveness of the speech.

What is the first step to analyzing a speech?

The first step to analyzing a speech is to listen to it attentively or read it closely to understand the main message or argument being presented by the speaker. Identifying the speaker's purpose, audience, tone, and use of rhetorical devices can help in comprehensively analyzing the speech.

What element most helps establish a speaker's tone when giving a speech?

The choice of words and phrasing, as well as the speaker's delivery (such as voice inflection and body language), can have a significant impact on establishing the speaker's tone during a speech. The use of rhetorical devices, such as humor, anecdotes, or rhetorical questions, can also influence the tone. Additionally, the overall message and purpose of the speech can shape the tone projected by the speaker.

What part of speech is the word focus?

Focus is a noun and a verb. Noun: That picture is out of focus. Verb: Focus your attention toward the speaker.

Speech of an guest speaker?

If a guest speaker is making a speech, they should make a speech on what the meeting is about. If you are going to be a guest speaker, you can ask your peers to help you write the speech.

How do you start a autobiographical speech?

Most people giving an autobiographical speech will start off with "Hi, My name is...I was born in...." Try something different that would capture your audiences attention and set you apart from the class. EX: something your passionate about.

What type of speech seeks to change the audiences opinion about something?

Persuassive speech