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There are no TV manufacturers left in the United States that I currently know of, so that just leaves imported products. The problem is with the so called `marriage of computer and TV` in that the TV manufacturers are falling short in my opinion, when it comes to reliability. With today's TV sets, don't expect the thing to work more than a few months without having some kind of technical problem with the set that requires repair or a part replacement of one type or another. For example, may projection sets use a projection lamp that is supposed to last anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 hours. They are expensive, too, and the average life of the lamp is usually somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 hours before they start to fail. DLP (digital light processing sets) generally use a projection lamp, but also a color wheel, which is a mechanical unit consisting of a multi colored wheel that is driven by a small motor in sync with the video, displaying one of the three primary colors one at a time. That means that it spins at a very high R.P.M. and can shatter, or the bearings can fail at any given time. Another expensive item to replace. With the LCD sets, some use projection lamps and others use a backlit fluorescent panel, which can fail. And with the projection lamp models, the lamps can also fail as well as the LCD display unit drying out or shattering if over heated. Plasma sets have their own set of problems too, in that it uses a voltage discharge system to put an image on the screen as well as some type of back lighting, either by projection lamp or fluorescent display. Their primary failure is usually found in the video matrix system and/or the high voltage driver circuits. The trend is toward LED (light emitting diode) projection lamps, but I'm sure that until they get the bugs worked out, that'll just be another source of problems. Another problem is that the manufacturers may incorrectly identify the parts most likely to become defective and not keep enough replacements on hand. Of course, too, the parts are propriety of the manufacturers and they also may provide parts for other manufacturers that require replacements too. In other words, the TV industry in my opinion is nothing more than a `balled up mess' So which TV's are the best and who makes the best TV's on the market? Truthfully, until they can build electronics with a greater capacity for dependability and less prone to failure, I'd say that nobody does.....yet. If you want a good TV, the only way to insure that is by buying the extended warranty and keeping it as long as you're able on the TV. A problem with extended warranties, is that TV manufacturers no longer have to maintain a supply of parts for more than a few years, as compared to the seven or eight years retention of the past, and you may find that after as little as a year's time, parts are no longer available. That's the good point as far as the `repair or replacement` warranty is concerned, and why you should buy one. The bad point is that the extended warranty period will run concurrently with the TV manufacturer's product warranty, so you're putting out money to have your TV covered twice, for the first year or so. Then again, you really, really need to do your research on the extended warranty terms and conditions. Some will only allow you to renew two or three times, regardless of the length of the warranty contract you choose. In other words, which is better: Three two year extensions or three three or four year extensions? Here's a couple of things you need to know, too. The displays on the new TV's are allowed to have `bad pixels' (bad spots) which can determined by the manufacturer, either by the number of bad pixels over the entire TV display, or by the inch or millimeter. The percentages can be quite high, so I'd recommend that you have the TV set unpacked at the place of purchase and that you inspect the screen display area thoroughly, before you take it home or allow it to be delivered. If you don't, and it falls within the allowed "bad pixel" count, you're stuck with it. And believe me when I say that it will become a big source of distraction every time you watch something. Another thing to realize, is that the stores will use the best picture source for their display TV's. Rarely, will it look as good once you get it home. You can bet they're using the latest technology, but you've got to deal with satellite, cable or off the air antennas. Even if you do have a HD source, something will probably just fall short of delivering the true capabilities of the set. It may be from cheaper connection cables, weaker signal, etc. This isn't always the case, but it could happen. When all is said and done, research is your best tool and self education. It cannot be stressed enough. Use the internet and look at the blogs, etc. concerning your chosen brand and see what others have to say after having owned a set for awhile. And no, that doesn't mean just checking Consumer Reports. Why? Simple. They get a new TV and run their tests, reporting the findings. That's all well and good, but it doesn't give you any idea how long a particular set will last, how it'll hold up to power failures and how long the display will function properly. Your best TV? A damned good extended warranty, from a reputable dealer who hopefully, won't lose their shirt and go out of business any time soon.

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13y ago

Mitsubishi is the best far as size 3d ability and sound has a gr8 picture as well, then comes Toshiba, then Lg, then Philips

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12y ago

The best tv for me

- marfred tinapay "tv" made in commonwealth aurora zamboanga del sur

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I am not sure what you mean by "best mark" in the market. Their are many different brands that sell LCD TVs at different qualities has reviews of many different LCD TVs.