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Q: When a computer decides that one number is greater than another number the computer is performing a comparison of values?
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What is function of greenboard in computer?

There are many green boards in a computer. I am guessing that you mean the biggest one, right in the center. That would be the motherboard, the main part of the whole computer. It decides everything about your computer: what kind of processor, RAM, and cables to use, and it also decides how much the computer can be upgraded. Everything plugs into the motherboard, basically, making it the central part of the computer.

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When one decides that a water filter comparison is needed, they need to look no further than the internet. A comparison can be found at consumer reports or another site, aptly named water filter comparisons. If the web isn't a doable option, a customer service representative at any store that provides such an item could assist, as well as the consumer making the comparison themselves by reading each of the packaging for various filters.

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That is called the TEMPERATURE.

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if the men lets the computer replace it witch i doubt so no but it can replace all of our work :D p.s: the men always stay in the control of the computer unless he decides to let the computer stay in control

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The purpose of the fast link pulse (FLP) burst is to "advertise" one computer's capabilities to another computer before a link is established between them. The FLP burst sends information to the other computer telling it, for example, how fast it is. The other computer then checks to see if this is an upgrade and, if it is, decides to use it when a link is established. The computer sending out the FLP then clocks itself at the same speed as the normal link pulse of the other computer, establishing a link with it. This process is called autonegotiation.

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Until you are 18 your parents or the judge decides.

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This would be the round/point which decides the game for one pair, or another.

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A keyboard is an input device. Below the keys is a key matrix, or circuit board. When you press a key you complete the circuit for that key. They keyboard then sends the information either through a wire or wirelessly to the computer. The computer then takes the information and decides how to use it. Depending on the Operating system or running applications the computer decides how to use the information.