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Sherlock Holmes airs on Sunday nights at 9:58pm Eastern Time. Sherlock Holmes is currently in its 3rd season on PBS.

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Does the phrase 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' come from a Sherlock Holmes story?

No, the phrase "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" is not from a Sherlock Holmes story. It is actually the title of a novel written by Mark Haddon, and the phrase is a reference to a Sherlock Holmes story called "Silver Blaze."

Will Sherlock Holmes appear in the show Once Upon a Time?

No, Sherlock Holmes does not appear in the show Once Upon a Time. The show focuses on fairy tale characters and their stories, rather than on characters from classic literature like Sherlock Holmes.

How was Sherlock Holmes connected to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time?

Sherlock Holmes was referenced in "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" as a famous fictional detective. The protagonist, Christopher Boone, admires Sherlock Holmes and tries to emulate his deductive reasoning skills in solving mysteries throughout the novel. This connection serves to highlight Christopher's unique perspective on the world and his approach to problem-solving.

When Sherlock Holmes 2 release in Hindi?

"Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" was released in Hindi in December 2011, around the same time as its global release.

How Watson call Sherlock Holmes?

"My friend and colleague, Dr. Watson" or, sometimes, just "my friend, Dr. Watson."

How is Sherlock Holmes intoduced to us?

When Dr.Watson was tring to find a smaller house he could afford renting, one of his friends suggests him to share a house and rent with some one else. Dr.Watson tells him nobody can tolorate living with him. His friend tells him that this has been the second time that day he has heard that sentence, and the first time he has heard it from some one named Sherlock Holmes. Then he takes Dr. Watson to a laboratory in which Sherlock Holmes was examining at that time. That is how we first meet Sherlock Holmes in :"a study in scarlet" .

Does the phrase 'the curious incident of the dog in the night time' come from a Sherlock Holmes story?

In The Adventure of the Silver Blaze (SILV), Sherlock Holmes says something about the curious incident of the dog in the night time. What was curious was that the dog didn't bark as it would at an intruder it didn't know. It didn't bark because the person it saw was one it knew well.

Why did Sherlock Holmes never have any pets?

Pets would have required care and feeding and such, things that Sherlock Holmes might not have had time or inclinations for. Perhaps it is better that he did not have any as they might have died from neglect. Watson would've had to take care of him/her, grumbling all the way at Holmes and his lack of caring.

What did Holmes ask Violet to do before he came to the Copper Beeches in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Holmes asked the exceptional Miss Violet Hunter to lock Mrs. Toller in the wine cellar. He wanted time to explore the premises, and he evidently did not believe Mrs. Toller could be trusted.

Where did Sherlock Holmes go to highschool?

The reader is not told, but the term high school was not in use at that time or place.

How are the cultural details in Sherlock Holmes real?

The devices, tools, stories, dress, and transportation and accurate to their time.

How did Sherlock Holmes travel in time?

There's two possibilities: 1. He's a time lord. This could explain how several different actors have portrayed him and they all have a slightly different demeanor. 2. Sherlock Holmes never traveled in time. Where did you even get that idea? Honestly what is going on in your mind? Are you getting mixed up because BBC's Sherlock takes place in modern times, or that the less interesting CBS show Elementary did the same things Sherlock did but made much more bland? Did they not make it perfectly clear that those shows do not depict the real Sherlock Holmes? Both of them are modern adaptations of the classic novels, (But BBC's Sherlock is much more faithful.)