A copper cable transports electrical signals. An optical cable transports light signals.
Cable Television
No, a rotating masonry drill bit adjacent to a cable will not create a magnetic field and no it could not disrupt the electrical current within the cable .
which term means to issue signals along a network medium such as a cable
To access the internet via broadband cable, you will need a cable modem. Bandwidth is used for transmitting the signals of the internet to and from your home, and the cable modem is in place to allow the signals to be sent and received.
A crossover cable reverses the signals at ends of the cable.
Data travels through a fiber optic cable using light signals. These signals are sent through the cable as pulses of light, which represent the data being transmitted. The light signals bounce off the walls of the cable, allowing the data to travel quickly and efficiently over long distances.
In the USA, now days it is. Before there were antennas to get TV signals from the air, and you could only get ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS. Then came cable, wire and dish cable. Now there is only cable; dish and cable linkage. There is virtually no more antenna TV signals, and there are thousands of channels.
physical layer
radio magnetic waves that are received in the air