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In scratch, you can make projects and studios/galleries

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Q: What is the difference between scratch and projects?
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Grants do not get repaid, loans must be paid off.

How do you add projects on a studio on scratch?

You just make it and then there is a toolbar on the scratch program to Share it! fill out the information and you should be able to upload it if you have an account on scratch already.

What is the difference between an illustration and a photo?

A photograph is an image taken with a camera, an illustration is usually hand drawn or drawn from scratch with an image editor.

What is the difference between video games with blue back discs and games without it?

The Blue disks tend to be more scratch resistant then the black ones.

Difference between scope statement and project charter?

The difference between a scope statement and a project charter is that a project charter acknowledges the projects existence and the scope statement defines the project objectives.

What is difference between .net and is a kind of projects from the .Net family that allows you to create websites.

What is the meaning of Gross head in hydro power projects?

it is the difference in elevation between head and tail water

What is the difference between a rethreading kit and tap and die kit?

A rethread kit cleans up damaged existing threads. A tap and die kit makes threads from scratch.

What is the difference between a minerals hardness and streak?

Mineral hardness measures a mineral's resistance to scratching, while streak is the color of the powdered form of a mineral. Hardness is determined by the Mohs scale, while streak is identified by rubbing the mineral across a porcelain plate to see the color left behind.

What is the difference between a scratch test and a streak test?

a streak test is a test wheree you rub a mineral across a streak plate to see the color of its streak, which is a better indentifying factor of the mineral than the external color. A scratch test is when you scratch a mineral to find out its hardness on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This is also another useful identifying factor

What mineral that can scratch gypsum but cant scratch calcite?

Feldspar can scratch gypsum but cannot scratch calcite. It has a hardness between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale, which allows it to scratch gypsum (hardness of 2) but not calcite (hardness of 3).