Usually the only difference between accidental death life insurance and regular life insurance is the name, although sometimes an accidental death life insurance will pay out more money if the death is accidental.
Life is a journey. Death is a destination.
The meaning behind the skulls and roses tattoo is the difference between life or death...Beauty and decay.. Life and death.
life will cover you for the long haul/ Death will cover the removal of the dead person and put it in the ground
Life has more to do with the things you are doing while you are alive. Death has more to do with when you're doing nothing while you're dead. There is a very fine line between the difference of life and death.
what is the difference between a life lease and a life estate
The only difference between them is in number of syllables.
It could mean the difference between life and death and at least the restoration of health of the body and mind
If it meant the difference between life and death, yes. Otherwise, GET IT TO A GUNSMITH AND GET IT REPAIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!