California has the population closest to Spain; about 37,700,000 to about 46,200,000.
The distance between Seville, Spain and Dallas, Texas is 4943 miles, or 7955 kilometers. On average, an international direct flight between them takes about 10 hours.
Texas has the largest Hispanic population among those states, with over 11 million Hispanics. Colorado and New Mexico have significantly smaller Hispanic populations in comparison.
Spain did not give Texas to the US, the US took Texas from Spain in a war.
Mexico has many more, much taller mountains
Spain46,072,834July 1, 20100.67%United States310,080,000August 26, 20104.52%
Spain is smaller than Texas by about a third. Spain 195,364 Sq. Miles Texas 261,797 Sq. Miles
Nothing .
No, Spain had no relevance to Texas after 1821.
According to the 2012 census, the population of Texas is 26.06 million.
it was a result of a war between Spain and America
Spain started to build missions in Texas around 1690.