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It depends on the application.

RFID usually means passive tags, low cost and no battery needed but maximum range only a few inches.

Zigbee ia a PAN network (the nodes all have batteries) range is many yards.

RFID tags generally cost less ($5?) than Zigbee nodes ($25?) but prices vary with quantity.

With RFID to locate something you must scan it from a few inches away. With Zigbee you can detect it from anywhere in the building.

But, Zigbee does not inherently give any location information

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What does RFID stands for?

RFID (radio-frequency identification) is a technology that uses radio waves to communicate between devices. RFID tags or chips are attached to objects, and RFID readers can send and receive signals from these tags. This allows for identification, tracking, and data transfer between the tagged objects and the reader. RFID is commonly used in applications such as supply chain management, asset tracking, and electronic payment systems.

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EPC is a specific standard for RFID, developed by the MIT AutoID Center and now managed by EPC Global, a consortium of businesses and organizations interested in commercial applications of RFID. RFID is the more general term.

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quoting from stack exchange: "Zigbee", or IEEE 802.15.4, is a protocol. As such, it has no "programming language".

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Yes. Actually we can communicate with ZigBee module through UART. So UART itself is a full Duplex communication. So we can use ZigBee for full Duplex communication.


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How big is a rfid tag?

RFID size is normally determined by the size and configuration of the antenna, not the actual RFID integrated circuit. Hitachi sells chips with low-performance internal antennas that are the size of a table salt crystal. Most RFID tags are between 20 and 100 mm in length/width and very thin.

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The Premises Domain is the intermediary between enterprise applications and the Edge Domain.Source: IBM WebSphere RFID Handbook

Why wireless protocol is called bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a trademark for one specific wireless protocol, there are many others (e.g. WiFi, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, 3G, 4G, RFID, LoRaWAN, DigiMesh). Trademarks are used to protect a product where its details are made public but patent or copyright protection is not appropriate.

Diffrance between rfid tags and rfid chips?

The tag is the complete RFID, substrate (what everything is attached to), antenna, capacitor(sometimes in the chip) and integrated circuit chip. The chip is the IC alone without the rest. There are some chips with integral antennas that serve as a complete RFID, but they have very limited applications due to extremely short ranges (millimeters).