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chanel ascendancy

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Sentence for ascendancy?

To have ascendancy means to have a position of power. An example sentence is: The ascendancy comes with a lot of stress.

Sentence using ascendancy?

The ascendancy of Hitler led to many atrocites.

What are examples of the word ascendancy?

The liberal cabinet is expected to oppose her ascendancy to the crown.

How would you use the word 'ascendancy' in a sentence?

The Crown Prince's ascendancy to the throne never was and never will be an issue. A floppy hat will be more in order as the sun's ascendancy to it's zenith is felt.

What are the ratings and certificates for Ascendancy - 1983?

Ascendancy - 1983 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Iceland:12

Example of sentences using the word ascendancy?

the duck swam in da lake, ASCENDANCY, the duck like to SWIM hahahaha

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Who directed the 1983 film 'Ascendancy'?

Edward Bennett directed the 1983 film "Ascendancy". It was a British film! He also directed other British films, too, but one of his most well known films was the one mentioned. Ascendancy!

What did the peloponnesian war lead to?

The temporary ascendancy of Sparta, then Thebes, then Macedonia.

What actors and actresses appeared in Ascendancy - 2012?

The cast of Ascendancy - 2012 includes: Ethan Barrett as Casper Derek Cepik as Kay Ruthellen Cheney as Liz Josh Halpern as Jessie Daniel Monserrate as Dealer