Video Graphics Adapter
It is a computer graphics standard. VGA = Video Graphics Array SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array.
The graphics are used and found and implemented into a video game by magic.
On board video, or better known/told as integrated graphics, is a 'graphics card' found in a CPU. Most Intel CPUs have integrated graphics in them. It just means a graphics card is not required, and video devices (such as a monitor) are plugged into the video ports of a motherboard.
to improve the video and graphics capabilities of your computer
Video Graphics array or Super video graphics array. SVGA is higher quality.
A video card is a GPU (Graphics processing Unit) this is what displays everything you see on your computer monitor.
It can be defined as followed. Graphics or video for promotion of something.
A graphics card is not a acronym therefore it does not particularly stand for anything. A graphics card or video card is the electronic board or unit that produces the graphics and video images that are to be displayed on a monitor/tv screen.
The game graphics for a video are made through an illustrating software such as Blender. One would input code into the software to make the graphics come alive.
video adapter or graphics card. As most of the graphics card have its own bios available
A video card is just another name for a graphics card. They are one and the same.