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Q: What are the pros and cons of the cyber crime law?
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How do you report cyber crime?

Start with your local law enforcement agency. Many cities, counties, states now have cyber-crime units to investigate crimes commtted in that manner. If they don't have one, perhaps they can refer you.

Why many people disagree on cyber crime law?

Many people disagree because of the certain facts that was said about the cyber crime law. But actually, what is needed is to have a clear understanding and information dissemination about the law that is to be debated whether it will bring good or will be just abused for political and corrupt use.

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Pros; some pros in the double jeopardy rule are that they have more time to gather up more evidence to introduce to the Jury and the Judge. Cons; Some cons in the double jeopardy rule are that if they dont gather all of the evidence the person is tried and found not guilt because all the evidence was not collected.

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If they have been seen by the government they can go to jail for years it depends how the law will decide for them...

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Yes, a cyber bullying law was passed in Washington state in 2008. It states than any bullying, whether written, verbal, or electronic, is a crime.

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